How to Install TeamViewer on Linux

How to Install TeamViewer on Linux
Eva Kenon
Eva Kenon

Created: 06/29/2021 1:03 PM - Updated: 06/29/2021 1:03 PM

TeamViewer is useful for connecting remote systems with graphical environment very easily. Teamviewer team has announced its latest version 15. This version is loaded with lots of improvements than older version. Read more about features in TeamViewer 15.

This article will help you to install TeamViewer 15 on Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat, LinuxMint, Scientific Linux, Debian Linux distributions.

Step 1 – Download TeamViewer

First of all, download the latest available version of Teamviewer packages from its official website. With the latest update of this tutorial TeamViewer 15 is available to download and install.

  • Downlaod Debian Package
  • Downlaod RPM Package

Step 2 – Install TeamViewer

As you have downloaded the Teamviewer package on your system, Let’s install as per your operating system. For rpm based systems use yum or dnf to install required dependencies. For Debian based systems use dpkg command then apt-get to install all the dependencies.

  • Fedora 22+ & CentOS/RHEL 8
    sudo dnf install teamviewer.x86_64.rpm
  • CentOS, Redhat & SL
    sudo yum install teamviewer.x86_64.rpm
  • Ubuntu, Debian & Linuxmint
    sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_amd64.deb
    sudo apt-get -f install      ## Installation with dependencies 
  • Press ‘y’ for any confirmation asked to complete the teamviewer installation on your Linux desktop.

Step 3 – Launch Teamviewer

As of now, You have successfully installed TeamViewer on your Linux machine. Just type below command from terminal to launch Teamviewer


With the first-time startup, TeamViewer will prompt to accept the agreement. Click to accept license agreement.

Install TeamViewer on Linux

Once you accept the agreement, teamviewer will start.
Install TeamViewer debian fedora

Here you will see the Teamviewer ID of your system. Also you can connect to remote system having teamviewer installed by entering their id under parter ID input box.

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